Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The numbers are what count!

The talking heads uptown answer to numbers, not individuals. The more citizens that speak out on a subject , the more the heads listen. This blog is our chance to be in their face. The more people that comment, the more they pay attention. Send the link to all your friends, enemies and all other disgruntled citizens that have had it with the status quo.

This is not a Democrat thing, or a Republican thing, or an independent thing, this is a STUPIDITY thing. Not matter what the political affiliation, there are massively stupid decisions being made in Santa Fe that are destroying what is left of an already pathetic school system, ruining old established neighborhoods and putting our very lives at risk. Our employees, the ones we have hired to act in our best interests have instead taken it upon themselves to go against the wishes of their constituents and have deliberately taken steps towards the degradation and destruction of our way of life.

When is enough enough? Speak out New Mexico. Let them know what you think!
This is a new Blog, done due to the heavy editing, nay censoring,  done on the local news sites. They do not want to rock the boat. There are certain stories that REQUIRE a response that may not fall on friendly ears, especially those of the so call "civil servants" in the city, county and state governments.

Therefor this Blog was created to fill that need. It is an open forum for any and all, no matter if you agree with my stated opinions or not. I want to hear from ALL of the citizens. Come on people, I hear it in conversations all over town!

On FaceBook too!!! Lets build a BIG friends list that sends a real message to the morons up town!!

Another Fine Example!!

 "Police arrest man in home invasion
Burglar demanded sex from woman, report says"

Headline on Santa Fe New Mexican web site. Short story, an illegal attacked a 60 year old woman in her home and was arrested at his illegal place of residence due to the fact the victim described his  "lime green ostrich skin boots with the matching belt," which were found thanks to a tip.

 This is yet another example of the great benefits of our beloved Mayor Coss's "Sanctuary City" policy, opening the doors for human pond scum like this to put our legal citizens lives at risk. The Article on the web site is blocked to comments, because of the "sensitivity" of the issue according to the web editor. Damn right sensitivity! The legal citizens of this city will sound off loudly and the powers that be don't want to hear about their failed policies!

 They continue to refuse to address the GREAT BIG ELEPHANT in the room, ILLEGALS. The city and the county both have allowed the south side to become a huge "Barrio" with thousands of illegals flooding the schools, driving down property values and bringing criminals like this to live amongst us.  When is it enough people?

I am a 60 yr. old Santa Fe native who has lived in the house my father built on the south side my whole life. I have watched the equivalent to "white flight" in other cities take hold as all my old time neighbors sell out and the illegals take over the older neighborhoods. I am surrounded by two bedroom one bath homes that have 15+ people living in them, none of whom speak English. The crime attributed to the illegals and gangs has sky rocketed in the past 10 years. My elderly parents lived in constant fear of the "new neighbors".  I live in a heavily armed cage, bars all around due to being robbed.  I constantly have to call the sheriff to deal with drunken wild parties of illegals.  This latest incident is only a hint of what actually happens in these neighborhoods.  I do not expect it to change thanks to the self serving politicians who do not have to live with the consequences their  "Humanitarian" decisions. My home is for sale and I am out of here as soon as it sells, even at a horrible loss due to what my realtor refers to as being in "Little Mexico".  Santa Fe, your so called "city fathers" have sold you down the drain and make no apologies for it. 

Bob Ortiz

If you have an opinion on this that you feel that the Mayor should hear, please send it to: